
My #1 Fan =)

I had an interview on Thursday that was very important to me. This job is my first choice private school teaching job on the planet.

I have been preparing for teaching and for this interview for months upon months. Daniel has been a great support all along, but Thursday he really got a chance to go above and beyond.

And he so did.

I woke up to find a note on the counter, telling me how great I was going to do, how much he thinks of me, and how often he was going to be praying for me all day. This was super sweet, but if I'm being honest, he's so mindful of me that it's not uncommon for him to leave a note. So I was delighted, but not surprised =)

I am one blessed chica.

Anyway, I spent some time relaxing, then got all ready to go. I walked out to my car and found... another note, on the driver's seat of my car. "I'm still praying..." it began. I squealed, out loud =P

The interview went just about as well as I could have hoped. I was invited to come back next week. I also felt that I presented myself well. Sometimes in interviews my nerves get to me, and I am not quite myself - less articulate, less joyful, less warm, less relaxed. It was SUCH a blessing to leave the interview feeling satisfied with how I came across.

So I started out to my car, only beginning to process the long interview and the faces I had not seen for some time. All caught up in my thoughts, it took me a moment to recognize the person walking across the parking lot toward me.


I'm sure you guessed it. But I didn't! I was shocked, amazed, thrilled, swooning, relieved, and impressed all at once! He drove all the way out to the school and sat in his car praying for me until I came out. Whoa. As I write this, I still kinda can't believe it. Oh! And he even wore my favorite of his work outfits. Seriously? Who is that thoughtful??

I am humbled and overjoyed to be reminded of what a gift I have been given in my faithful husband. He loves me when I'm cranky and when I'm lazy and when I'm too focused on the task at hand to fully appreciate his sweetness. He is my best friend and my favorite person to be around. He is the most fun person I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with.

He is the clearest picture of Jesus I have ever seen (or will ever see) in my life.

And I absolutely HAD to share, because "my cup overflows."


Janice said...

(hmmm...caps all of a sudden?!)
Daniel is the BEST!!!! I agree, you are one blessed chica!

team clark said...

Well... if I'm going to teach English... =P