
Tag - I'm It

My friend Heather C was tagged, and now she has tagged me. The "rules" are to go into my My Pictures, open the fourth album and post the fourth photo in that album. I use a Mac so, it isn't so clear cut for me. I followed the directions a closely as I could, and here's what I came up with:

The story is that my friend Rachel, from college, got a few friends together every once in a while to go have a delicious home-cooked meal at her grandmother's house. I had a chance to go once, and this is me with Rachel's roommate, Emily, after eating a ton of food. =) Also, Emily ended up being a big help on my wedding day, helping to keep things running smoothly and on-time.

okay, so now i tag... um... joelle, and beth b. i think i'm supposed to tag more than two, but i can't think of anyone else who hasn't already been tagged. =P


Heather Nicole said...

yay! thanks for playing along! lucky, you got a MUCH cuter picture of your self (as well as the lovely Emily). good times:)

Val Nebbia - singer/songwriter said...

Heather. I love your picture. I'd also love to hear more about your job at Starbucks - what you like, don't like, a funny story.