
big big news

about a month ago, we received an anonymous charitable donation to cover one whole month's rent for us, through a ministry called Helping Hands. WOW! that was a shocker! amazing, right?!

and on TOP of that, get this: so when daniel lost his job at the church, we applied for some financial help from the insurance company. they only granted us 3 weeks worth. we appealed their decision TWICE, and we found out this week that we got the whole other 2 months' worth! how exciting! this is 60% of what daniel made at the church for 2 whole months. woohoo! praise God! this will get us to the end of our lease with no trouble at all!

now these financial provisions from God really ARE paying the bills! before they were sweet encouragements that helped us financially, but more so helped our spirits. but God has, as usual, just gone ahead and blown our socks off with much more than we "could ever ask or imagine" (eph. 4:20)


Heather Nicole said...

yay! how great! thank for sharing!

Unknown said...

That is really cool its great how God provides for everything! I'm so glad you can see his hand so clearly in your life!