
looking up

i'm super happy to report that things are looking up. unemployment sucks and it's been a tough few month, but i feel like we've turned a corner.

i had my second interview for a promising job prospect today, and it went well. i will hear back by the end of the week. this would be great because it would give us significantly more financial stability, as well as excellent benefits to take care of us!

also, God has provided rent for us for february, and probably march, too.

"wow. i tell ya what - wow." -name that movie!

p.s. happy inauguration day =) we wished we could have gone into d.c. but i didn't want to reschedule the important interview today. what a bummer.


Anonymous said...

We wondered if you guys had made it to D.C. for the day as we watched on television - but I'm glad that even though you missed it, you had a great interview!

Heather Nicole said...


team clark said...

yay, heather!