oh no. =( im sorry. also, just so you know, i know you mentioned a few posts back that you were considering starbucks. i know mine if a bit of a drive. but, being that im in charge of hiring and all...there's prolly somethin i can work out. =) lemme know if you need anything.
heather clark is head over heels for her husband, daniel. besides that, she loves dancing for jesus. heather is also puppymama to mister jack, team clark's jack russell. she also loves to write, but has a distaste for capitalization.
oh man. I'm so sorry :( I'm praying
Oh heart. Let me know what I can do for you.
oh no. =( im sorry. also, just so you know, i know you mentioned a few posts back that you were considering starbucks. i know mine if a bit of a drive. but, being that im in charge of hiring and all...there's prolly somethin i can work out. =) lemme know if you need anything.
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