
after two moths of dating...

Two Months
(To a girl I'm totally crazy about)

Two months of playing
Two months of fun
Two months of stories
Heather, our relationship has just begun

Two months of laughter
Two months of right
Two months of dancing
Heather, you are my delight

Two months of holding hands
Two months of new
Two months of jazz
Heather, I love you


We've been without a printer for the last year. With the class that I'm doing right now, this has produced some frustrating/stressful moments. Well, when I got home last night, there was a note on the doggy gate at the top of the stairs. It was a plain sheet of printer paper, and right in the center, "I love you" was typed in my favorite font. Sometimes the little things feel pretty big =) So, in response, I wanted to post this poem Daniel wrote me in April of 2007, because... well... I don't know! I'm feeling so proud of him for how well and how thoroughly he loves me, that letting you see another way he has loved me seemed a more appropriate way to honor him today than me writing my own feelings. I don't know if that makes any sense at all. But it feels right. =)


Anonymous said...

I love this post! Daniel is sweet and I think that your way of honoring that was perfectly appropriate.

Also, congrats to him on the job! We're so excited for the Clark family!

Ashley said...

i love you two so much! also, seeing you so briefly the other day made me wish i still saw you on a regular basis! how are your schedules these days? do you have some free nights? we'd love to do dinner or ice cream or something :)

Heather Nicole said...

how sweet! the font, the words, the poem! what a sweet guy! thanks for sharing his feelings :) It makes me feel peaceful to know my friend is loved.

I know you are super busy and stuff, but can I call you sometime?

Anonymous said...

How lovely.